Off-Market, On-Exchange Transactions

Transactions facilitated outside of the MERJ order book

MERJ is able to facilitate transactions that have been negotiated directly between parties in certain circumstances.  This is a called an off-market, on-exchange transaction.  Such transactions occur outside of the order book of MERJ, but are still executed and settled in accordance with the MERJ rules.  Here is how it works:

Step 1: Buyer and seller negotiate a deal either directly or through their MERJ Member(s).

Step 2: Complete the form provided by the respective Member or, for MERJ Direct Participants, the form provided by MERJ using the following as a guide:

Reason Code Description Conditions
LP Large Portfolio Trade Exceeds 20 times the market size (total volume for the trading day)
OH Out of Hours Trade Trade conducted outside of market hours


Delivery vs. Payment (DvP)

Free of Payment (FoP)

If selecting this option, MERJ will facilitate the settlement of the transaction in real time at the time of the transaction. MERJ CLEAR is an authorised operator of a securities clearing and settlement system and regulated by the Central Bank of Seychelles for this function. MERJ CLEAR operates an IOSCO Model 1 Delivery (securities) vs. Payment (funds) securities settlement system. This model facilitates an irrevocable, simultaneous settlement of securities (to the buyer) and funds (to the seller).  Following the settlement, the funds are instantly available to the seller and the buyer has full title and rights associated with the securities as recorded and maintained by the MERJ licensed and regulated CSD, MERJ DEP.

If selecting this option, the buyer and seller are expected to have made other arrangements for the cash leg of the transaction, usually with a mutually agreed third-party escrow agent or stockbroker. In this case, MERJ will ordinarily be instructed by this third-party agent that the corresponding funds are on deposit and all required conditions for the transaction have been met. MERJ will then execute the transaction on a Free of Payment basis only moving the corresponding securities from the account of the seller to the account of the buyer.

Step 3: Ensure the corresponding funds (buyer) and securities (seller) are available.

Step 4 Submit the form within the specified time period 

Trade Type Deadline
LP By 1600 (GMT+4) on the indicated Transaction Date for processing same day (otherwise it may be processed the following day)
OH By 0930 (GMT +4) on the Transaction Date

Step 5: MERJ will execute and settle the transaction depending on the method chosen (i.e. DvP or FoP).  

Note: Fees for off-market transfers are calculated based on the higher of the current Reference Price or transaction price.  

Please contact MERJ Support for any questions or for help facilitating an off-market, on-exchange transaction.  

Last Updated 29 October 2024